
attached to alice*baby*


.my baby, alice who brighten my day :)
.on 2315, 2nd september 2008,
i founded you.
.you define my happiness.

.贝比, 我愿意做你一辈子的傻瓜.
愛してるよ! *^^*

.sometimes i wished that the hugs we shared is everlasting.
.and never will there be a moment that the time is moving.
.embrace within a space where everything is unchanging.


.cherish, dote and treasure baby!
.and marry baby! ^^


.my family, baby, clique and friends!
.chelsea football club
.love songs & a bit of k&j pop :)


.more money
.more clothing
.driving license


Sunday, November 26, 2006

hmm. yesterday was indeed a fun day.4E4'o6 chalet was awesome.maybe becus da crowd stayin overnight is lesser bahs. or there's less space constrain. however it's jy presence that im soooooo happy about. hehe. get to see jy again. bleahx. =) hehe.

yesterday was suppose to meet at 11am. so i went out to hunt for my slipper bit earlier. i woke up at 9am. packed my bag for da chalet asap. manage to reach to reach jurong point anrd 1o:15. soooo expected. sooooo little shops were open for business. so i waited n waited. to my relief, 77 streets open arnd 10:45 am. so i loiter arnd da vincinity. got myself a pair of slipper n a necklace.i put both thingy on as soon as i paid for it. hmm. was so happpy that i got what i wanted. hehe. =)
lookin at my watch. it's aldy 11am!! im aldy late laaa. argh. thn i remember i receive a msg earlier from jy that's it's actually okay to be late. i quicken my pace towards da train station. within mins, i reached bb mrt. evythg went so smoothly for me.upon arrival. happen to see my gan-jie at da mrt. we exchange some casual talk. n she say i look lyk an angmoh. bleahx. my hair gt dyed till so obvious meh?? xp
hehe. nehmind, was glad that gonna meet my frens soon. didn expect that 4E4'06 will hav a chalet.haha. saw eric n bunch aldy there i decide to call eric over n get me a drink from 7-ll. hehe =)

in no time. evyone meetin at da bb mrt hab arrived. n da first thgy they do.tease me abt jy again. hehe. dunno why im still so HAPPY!! lolx. haha. think i sort of crazy.
later on. we were all at da 2nd storey. me was made to sit beside jy by thm.i'll also paiseh de maa. thn they took photo of me n jy again. hmm. i smilin loads these days. jy made me smiles. =)
da journey was sort of "torturin". so looooongg sia. however da sight of jy made me frgt at da looooong journey. again. made to do take some pics with her.jus so happy. haha. im jus a crazy fella. always happy. =)

da journey was a quick one. reach pasir ris real fassst. our group then went for lunch. ordered my meal. also dunno why i hav food left over again. n im lyk so full once more. xp
da entire group then went to do some gocery shoppin for BBQ lata. we bought loads of HOTDOG. also dunno why. havin a hotdog feast bah. we then took a bus towards our final destination. however da waitin continue. we then took some photo for memories. these time round. i was "pressured" n "forced" by my frens. n i did sth i didn expect myself to do also. i put my arm over her shoulder. BLEAHX. ARGH!! lol.
im lyk soooooooo happppy. im soundin soooo sicko lea. xp

im crappin so muc. eventually. qx,jas,yb n many others arrive too. hehe.
we went to put down our bag n stuff. went cyclin with some frens includin jy. as of usual. those stayin on in da room. play cards game without fail. xp
cyclin was a fun one tho a few eventually gt lost in da park laa. also dunno hw did they gt themselves lost also. bleahx. haf way thru da detour bk to startin pt,rain started fallin, what a weather. tho.i still manage to gt jy a drink.

went back n get ourselves cool down. before da commence of da BBQ. hehe. =)
BBQ was fun.many peeps surroundin da bbq pit. worse of all. all fan da smoke right into each other face. i was laughin at da side. ooops. xp im so badd.
da crowd make it so difficult to even prepare food for jy myself. however i only manage to gt her crab-sticks. n her frens started teasin us again. sayin"i also wan .. blah blah blah.." tho im sort of enjoyin tat. xp

thn jy went upstairs with her frens real soon. thn me n zl was lyk crappin as usual. we did demo of feedin ourselves with da watermelon. with our arms interlocked together.
da nxt moment arrive. jy was ask to come dwn. dunno hw they invite her down also. thn i was told to put da demo to test. argh. jy was lyk blushin n so paiseh. bleahx. da demo was so called put to test. hwever in da wrong way.we fed each other in front of our frens. sorry ah jy, i cant stop them either lea. aww. da moment was sooooooo sweeeeeeeet!!!!somehow i wish da moment could last forever. =)

aft that i went upstair. jy was aldy lyk so shyy laa. aiyo. xp
they hav some fun. before we went to da beach for a night stroll?? haha.
smiles. aft walk in da park. evyone went back to da room.....
suddenly there's a change of room to block F. we jus went there n one by one take turn to bath.....

they started playin mahjong. thn i was sittin beside i realise that i frgt evythg abt mahjong cus i don really play it also laa.hwever i was nt left out by thm. we do crack some jokes among us.

finally it's time for me to bath. by that time. we hav aldy bid farewell to those who went home earlier. thn aft bathin n some mahjong session. i went to took a "rest" as i kinda boredd. xp
da gals started feelin hungry. thn i acc thm(jy,yw,annabel,jw) down to gt ourselves some snacks. jy bought 2 packet of choco milk. i went for orea-mini n a small yogurt drink instead. thn we went bk to da our room aft da purchase. =)
thn i decide to share with her my yogurt. bleahx.. da expression from her face show that da yogurt nt her type. haha. sorry. didn knw that.

thn some decided to was arnd 3am. so boredd. cant gt to sleep. thn i decide to acc jy out to browse for magazine. we also hav to gt jw a doublecheeseburger. =)

yeah. we both took this opportunity to spend sm private moment together.(u guys no nd knw da details laa) we took so looonng. when we arrive back. da burgar was aldy cold. sorry jw. hehe.
we becm da talk of da night again. yupp. we both went to England mac to buy da burgar. haha. i blog soooo long liao ah......... me don wana type liao . sooooooo tirin lea... miss you guys of 4E4'06. hehe. muacks to jy too. =) ur crazy fella was here. =) back to blog. jus now also dunno why, lazy to continue. yupp
went to see sunrise. da park was lyk so dark laa. muahahaha. me n zl who's leadin da way decide to play a prank on da gals. bleahx. they're practically screamin laa. sorry ah. im jus so boredd. hehe. =) time to go back. didn see any sunrise. argh.
zl fall aslp real soon. his snorin was comparable to hk's speech. xp
until i hav to move to da floor beside jy to lie dwn to rest. i didn even manage to catch some slp aft all. still rmb,zl sleep-talk. aft i cm out of da bathroom. he said"DEFINED SAFE". thn i was lyk HUH!!??!?!

nvm.i still went back to lie down.brrrrr =x soooo cold.. thn i took out blanket for thm. haha.see, im soooo kind. lolx. im so bhb i mean.
aft washin up.we all went to hav breakfast. tho i jus hab ice milo.
yw,wy,jw,jan took yw parent's car
kl, annabel , ws and zl all chiong taxi.
of cus i accompany my dear by mrt laa.hehe. time passes really fasst. very fassst.she's gettin offf. n to be continued... hehe.
kukuwashere. hehe :) startin a good day with a smile :)

scribbled on Sunday, November 26, 2006

Friday, November 24, 2006

hmm. today got nothin to do. slack at home,sittin right in front our electonic gadget bloggin n chattin. lyfe seem to be too boredd for me ah. cus this's da 1st time i bloggin twice in a day. haha. =)
jus now, i went for a evenin jog around bukit timah.and realise that i'm gettin kinda rusty lea. so easy exhausted ah though im dyin lydat.however da jog went smoothly.and i completed it within da target timin.tho im sort of totally tired out at da end of da day.
1st thing i did when i reach home is to hav a look at my phone.(i jog without my phone,scare spoil). one new message. so i reply to da msg asap =)
and went to shower straight. was perspirin all over. gross lea. eeeeeeeeee.maybe i jus happen to hav too muc fats to burn off. lolx.
aft showerin.time to makan. dinner was plain porridge with canned food.who insist on cookin tat.argh...i hate it.tho i sort of enjoy my meal eventually as im jus too tired to even care wad im "feastin" appetite gettin smaller these days. stupid chocolate dream i ordered this mornin is wasted. lolx.
eventually as time passes.i fell asleep on my bed. 2 hours hav gone by sooo fast laa.
when i woke up. it was aldy reachin ten. with nothin to do. i logged on to blogger n started typin real slow.
today jus realise that my slipper nd a change. tmrr 11 am meetin my class for chalet at btbk mrt. hw am i goin to get a slipper before 11am? imagine which shop open so early in shoppin mall to sell me slipper. lolx.
nvm.i'll try my luck at jurong point.hope to get one there. fast 11plus liao. me lazy to blogged liao laa.
mr kuku was here. hehe. =)

scribbled on Friday, November 24, 2006

hmm. as expected. me n jy sort of become da talk of da town.
yea. kinda surprisin ah? did i shock you guys. especially when my frens keep fillin my with loads of qns. aiyo. hw am i gonna ans all lea. =)
hmm.jus wonderin , hw come they suddenly seems so concern huh? hehe.
yupp. me n jy are together.and this's serious laa. hav i clear u guys doubt huh?
haha.anw it's a looong story. =)

talk abt grad nite bahs. me n my frens reach there kinda early.
end up strollin all over da hotel. while waitin for frens to arrive. waited n waited. time flies. frens reached liao. hehe. we thn decide to continue strollin.while some went to da toilet to do their last stylin. why guys so ai mei. me also la. lolx. =x

da lift door was openin n closin as we look upon others arrival. then. da next moment da lift door open. it's jy,wy n yw. whoooooooaaaaaa. jus expected. my frens not gonna fang guo me n jy. they started sayin our name. thn jy shy ah. =)
wad a night to began with. hwever. at least they knw my dirty little secret. hehe. jus dunno why im soooo happy. hehe.

haha. time to assemble da ballroom. evythg goes smoothly. thn our class wideo. soooooo loooong. me don wana comment too muc laa. bleahx.
grad night was fun. tho i only ate lyk so little laa. quitw surprisin too. many ppl takin photos ytd. gonna tahan so many flashin. lolx

ytd was fun. very quickly. da grad night end with da singin of Graduation. it was a fun day thru out. as anticipated. class photo n teasin with n from my 2E5'04 n 4R4'06. it was fantastic night!!! you dian bu she de li kai ah.
time to leave. manage to took so photo with my bunch. SPK 4eva!! whooooaaaaaaa.
i also able to take a pic with my dear before i leave with my bunch.
im soooooooooooo happpppppy. =)

that's da only photo i gt so far. lol.
gt this can liao . kiddin laa. lata my bunch come punch me ah. =x

ytd aft grad.hang out with my bunch. we went to play pool for a while. thn i suey suey gt slight headache. thn only play one match. thn actually wana go kbox. bt nt all interested in singin. lolx. so end up goin for supper at cineleisure. we have ice cream for dessert. can u believe it. jeff eatin it!!!! lolx. thn i ordered a chocolate dream. also dunno what's dat. end up eatin haf-way. im full aldy. diao. so weird these days. i eatin lesser lea. good laa. can diet. hehe. bleahx.
we drag til 3 plus am. thn decide to go jeff hse. hwever. me,sam,huikai n joel went home instead. stupid me. havin a headache at this time. argh!!

slept at arnd 4.30 am...........thn woke up at 9 plus am. slp only 5 hours. hehe. thn woke up to apply da 1st three months thgy. haha. it's rainin now. good weather to sleep too. hehe. =)
kuku was here.

scribbled on Friday, November 24, 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006

hmm. wad a day i hav. hai. thk da whole world know about it. is that good or bad lea. me seriously gt no idea laa. todae grad nite. i jus hope tat evythg will jus be fine. argh, jus cant tilll tonight to see wad'll happen sia. lolx. haha. =)

scribbled on Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

hmmm. time flies , last time i updated my blog was lyk so long ago
haha. 2 more days to Graduation Night. cant wait to see everyone lookin their best. yea. this remind me that i hab not think about my transport to hotel. xp

chum ah. nvm. don wana think too muc. todae woke up freakin early. 6.47am!! that was lyk ONE HOUR THREE MINS before my alarm gonna call for me. aiyo. =x
hai.then i plugged in my headset into my one-n-only k750i n started pumpin music into my year. first track of da day. have a nice day by bon-jovi . cool.
this's da happiest day of my lyfe. whooaaaaa. ever since da clock started tickin since midnight at 00:00 hour. although many hours hav pass by. im still so happy. i felt as tho im over da moon.

hmm. todax went out with tricia,eugenia,janice n JY. haha.
went to bugis. this was all after we done with our PAE thgy. also don udrstd wad da teacher briefin about laa. waste my time. im SURE that im goin MI, people mus be wonderin why i goin(cus i sort of anti-MI last time) =x

reach bugis in no time. most of da shop were "open" at that time of da day. kinda too early ah. i jus follow da gals shoppin lo. cus ionly wanted to gt myself a belt. and guess wad. i found my belt in no time . fast and efficient ah me. soooo nice and ex. yeah. im done with my grad stuff. total cost. very convincin ah . don wana say laa. lata i kena rob on da street. hehe.

aft buyin my own stuff. i follow them again. holiday liao. so free ah me. they shop n shop non stop. thn time also pass very fast. we went to hav a bite in no time. wana eat also cant find a place to sit. end up eatin MAC(no wonder MAC never close down,got people lyk us maa)
as of usual. i ordered a fillet-o-fish student meal. evyone else ate mac n jy ate da same. wad a conincidence.both drinks change to ice milo too.
thn she toot laa,go upside until large,maybe too thirsty? we chat while we eat our meal. thn left a pile of fries. too full laa.maybe it's da milo's fault.

after meal. time for shoppin. helps in digestion also laa. so i continue tagggin along. if nt at home also will sian one. thn they shop blahblahblah.....

time to go home. 3pm only lea. so early. hehe.thn we went to took a train.=)
in no time. reach btbk mrt station liao. fast ah. thn dunno they all who gt go library laa. cus i didn go in da end. scare lata see my frens. argh. still got so mani thgys happen todae. saw shawn n jas lim at food court when im with jy while waitin got janice,trish,n tricia. cus they are kinda "early".
thn jas started grinnin at me goshhhh. tat gay look again....................soonerrr or laterrrrr. all will know bahs.....jy. =x
im makin it so obvious.. bleahx

scribbled on Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... O level have come to an END!!
soooooooooo happppppppy. hehe. finally over liao.
gonnna misssssssss
my classmates , my frens , my class (dammit,i didn got vandalise my class)
argh. lolx. =x

there's limit in my PATIENCE ah!! not FUNNY OKAY??? =x

dunno why these days. zhaoliang became so SICK n PERVERT. talkin bout those IRRITATING STUFF. haha. maybe he have his NEEDS??
muahahahahahahas. think that's da case bahs.

today ah. howkiat bought us da lunch we ordered. SURPRISE!!
LOLX. think my bunch all doubt that he'll ever remember laa. haha.
yeah. enjoy lunch time. then AUSTIN spoil my day!! sit on where i sittin. still talk crap with me. argh,regret nt punchin him . lols. =x kiddin la. punch him only dirty my hand nia. muahahahas

me end up sittin right beside him. "enjoyin" my lunch. we crap all da way through. n ZL without da same stupid THGY again. im GONNA KILL YOU, CZL. haha.

after lunch,time to start muggin again.
yeah.chem, dunno why im soooo happpppy. maybe today last day bahs. haha. keep lookin at my watch. waitin for time to fly... hehe..

crapin + relaxin = studyin.
i created this equation. cus it work. lol. manage to study n crap at da same time. isnt that awesome??

tho i END UP not really studyin. haha. time do fly. exam hab commence.

Paper one was relatively easy. 3 marks gone so far. Paper 2 are weird, section B is muc more easier thn section A. wah kao. what i read thru actually tested. lucky for me. =x

finally da moment hab come. END OF OLEVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a relief.....

thn end up takin class photo. mr ho took pics with our class.
surprise. actully wanted to play soccer. end up so misudrstdin. thn all don wana play liao. hai. nevermind,tmrr playin soccer again. time to workout and burns da fats i accumulate da past 2 weeks.

9 am start sia. tirin lea. nevermind . got to play can liao.


now im bloggin. so boredd ah. finally can use comp lea. why not jus taunt. bye bye. gonna do my comp stuff liao. =)

scribbled on Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sunday, November 12, 2006

hmm. im bloggin again. jus cant stop usin my comp.
thurs olevel ,amaths delay! becus of da STUPID BUSH Arrival!!!
change from 8am to 9am. argh,waste my time. nevermind laa, can sleep a while longer . haha. lolx

todae done with my phy stuff. ytd done with chemistry. tmrr mus mugg AMATHS!!! argh,mus persevere ah. haha. =)

4 more days left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!


sooooooooooo HAPPY this days..............also dunnoo why.....someone know.....

scribbled on Sunday, November 12, 2006

Thursday, November 09, 2006

dunno why i am still online bloggin at this particular time ah.
7 more days to end of my O'LEVEL!!! woohoo!!!
yeah!! :)
dunno what to blog also, tmrr emaths paper 2,i also haven really study, gonna go off soon, blog nxt tym. haha :)
bb =)

scribbled on Thursday, November 09, 2006


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